Friday, July 8, 2011

The ballad of a Casanova

With a smile so charming, the looks that could kill,
a personality that would make any girl say "i will !"
The charismatic nature any girl would find hard to resist,
making girls wonder, "do nice guys like them really exist ?" 
Sometimes too nice to be true, they leave girls so clueless,
with every nerve in them thats been professionalized to impress.

With the head-turning kind of walk they walk the streets so tall,
with the strong feeling of "yea i can make any girl fall"
they know they have it, the big ability to fascinate,
the ability to make any girl willingly wait.
Sometimes i wonder if they're just a softie inside,
with heart so sensitive that they're trying to hide,
with walls so tall guarding their heart from any break,
yes, thats probably when the casanova image they undertake.

the life of a moving casanova may seem so superficial, 
but i  disagree, cause i know, they're definitely not artificial
because if you stop, ignore the charm and try to look deep,
you'll find a boy, scared to grow up and totally worth the keep.

(Insipiration from the Bokanova Group, the sweetest group of boys i've met.)